Sample Environments

The Brockhouse beamlines share several sample environments. If you'd like to use one in your next run, please mention it in your proposal.


Oxford Cryostream 800 Plus

Provides temperature control from 80 – 500 K (-193 – +226ºC) by blowing nitrogen gas over the sample. Maximum ramp rate is 6º/minute. We have two of these on mobile carts. They can be used on all three beamlines.

(Above left) Cryostream running on the Bruker endstation. (Above right) Following a phase change in KNO3, from orthorhombic to trigonal, using X-ray powder diffraction. Diffraction patterns were collected from 124ºC to 144ºC in 2º steps with the cryostream on the Huber endstation.


High Temperature Gas Flow Furnace

Temperatures up to 1473K (1200ºC) with gas flow. Samples are loaded in quartz capillaries with outer diameters of up to 3 mm. Based on the P. Chupas design (P. J. Chupas et al., J. Appl. Cryst. 41, 822, 2008). For more details, refer to the BXDS High Temperature Gas Flow Furnace manual.