CLS and the Brockhouse beamlines offered our second in person x-ray diffraction (XRD) school, August 16-18, 2023. Attendees from across Canada and the USA were treated to lectures covering fundamental and advanced XRD concepts, hands on demos of software packages for XRD data analysis, and measurements at the Brockhouse and CMCF beamlines.
Here is the schedule, and below are slides from the lectures presented at this school.
Video recordings of the presentations are available to view on the CLS YouTube page.
Tutorials are available for download here.
Day 1
- Joel Reid - Introduction to Powder Diffraction
- Robert Von Dreele - The Rietveld Refinement Method in GSAS-II
- Robert Von Dreele - GSAS-II Overview
- Joel Reid - Structure Solution with Powder Diffraction
Day 2
- Renfei Feng - MicroXRD and Laue X-ray Diffraction
- Al Rahemtulla - Introduction to Pair Distribution Functions (PDF)
- Graham King - Fitting and Modeling PDF Data
Day 3
- Adam Leontowich - An Introduction to Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS)
- Beatriz Diaz Moreno - In-situ Diffraction
- Beatriz Diaz Moreno - Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction and Scattering
- Chang-Yong Kim - Anomalous XRD
- Feizhou He - How do synchrotrons work and what are they good for?